Brython is python in browser. Yes, You can just run it in the browser. What you need is to get brython.js from their github. And put it into some folder of your choice. Now create a html file and call that js. <html> <head> <script src= "brython.js" ></script> </head> <body onload= "brython()" > <script type= "text/python" > from browser import document , alert, console def echo(ev) : alert( document [ "zone" ].value) console.log( 'Hi, this is from python' ) document [ 'mybutton' ].bind( 'click' ,echo) </script> <input id= "zone" ><button id= "mybutton" > click ! </button> </body> </html> Here is piece of code i copied from their website (Infact, modified a little bit). What is important? 1. including ...
Some new Ideas, some different Ideas and some old Ideas. Let Me share all these....