Google's plan on merging android with ChromeOS is on the way. What you need is 1. Google Chrome 41+. It works on PC,Linux,Mac. Or Chromebook on Chrome Version 41+. 2. You apk files to run 3. The ARC Welder app 1. To get chrome In ubuntu/debian you can install *.deb file by sudo dpkg -i google*.deb In fedora/ RedHat Linux rpm -ivh google*.rpm 2. To get your apk files Either use Or some sites like 3. Go to The ARC Welder app .And install it from Google Chrome browser. I used this game (2048) for testing. This is the result i got. NB:- There is a limitation. It's is only possible to do one app at time I tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and Fedora 21. Reference:-
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